If you are wanting to write and get published on one of our projects you will have to either:
1) complete all pre-requisites and pass a writing guideline test, OR
2) you will have to submit a story that could be published on the project you want to work on unedited (Publishing test).
In order to pass the writing guideline test, you must write a story that would publish unedited on the project you want to work on (Publishing test).
If you did not complete all of the prerequisites and you submit two failed attempts at writing an unedited publishable piece, you will be asked to complete all the prerequisites before re-submission.
Prerequisites for RealGoodNews,com writers:
1) Read the article "How to Write a RealGoodNews story"
2) Read all the stories on RealGoodNews.com (there are not that many and some are only a paragraph or a sentence with a short video)
3) Pass a test on the stories on RealGoodNews.com
4) Complete writing guidelines test
5) Write a brief essay on why RealGoodNews stories are different from other news and other good news sites.
6) Write a story which would publish unedited (Publishing test).
Prerequisites for CivicsClass.com writers:
1) Read the article "What is Civics Class and why do we need that anyway"
2) Read "Constituion Basics"
3) pass a test on Constitution Basics
4) Complete a writing guidelines test
5) Write a brief essay on what civics is and why we need it
6) Write a lesson that would publish unedited (Publishing test)
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